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Christopher Bowen

I'm Christopher Bowen, Software Engineer at Cerner Corporation.

Christopher Bowen's Bio:

Christopher Bowen is a computer scientist with interests in software development and web design. He has a strong work ethic and dedicated on finishing tasks in a timely manner. He also possesses the ability to adapt to new technologies and learn new concepts quickly. Christopher also has extensive experience working in team-oriented settings. Primary Languages: Java, C, HTML5, CSS3, XML, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Shell Scripting, Python, Perl, Eiffel, C++, Visual Basic Secondary Languages: Assembly, ProLog, Scheme, Ada, VHDL Operating Systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/8, Windows Server 2000/2003 R2/2008 R2, Ubuntu, Linux RedHat, Android Databases: SQLite, MySQL, Oracle  Version Control: Git, Subversion Applications: Microsoft Office 2010, MapTiler, JMP, Active-HDL, SecureFX, JavaHelp, Opnet, Wireshark, Notepad++ IDE: Eclipse, Vim, Netbeans, Vi, Worldviz Vizard Other Skills: Java software development, Web design, Pair programming, Object-oriented design and analysis, Design and analysis of algorithms, Software life-cycle models, Black-box and White-box testing

Christopher Bowen's Experience:

Christopher Bowen's Education:

Christopher Bowen's Interests & Activities:

Computer science, software engineering, android programming, user interface design

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